Are you facing some mental health issues and want to know about a best psychologist in Siliguri? Or are you just curious to know about the different types of psychologists because you are quite intrigued by this profession? whatever the reasons might be I can assure you, you will get all the answers to all your questions after going through this article. So please keep on reading.
Who is a psychologist?
A psychologist needs to have professional training and clinical skills. They help people with mental health issues with psychotherapy by observing their behavior. Psychology is an intricate part of all human lives and, a psychologist’s task is to help people cope more effectively with life and mental health issues. So in short, a psychologist study and understands their client’s social, cognitive, and emotional behavior and treat it using psychotherapy or talk therapy.
Types of psychologists
- Clinical Psychologist
- Neuropsychologist
- Health Psychologist
- Counseling psychologists
Difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist
A psychiatrist can diagnose and treat mental health. They can also prescribe medication if needed. Whereas, a psychologist has extensive training in medical practice but cannot prescribe medicine.
What does a psychologist do?
A psychologist helps in treating many kinds of mental health issues and behavioral issues. Psychologists help people to overcome their anxiety, depression, or any kind of thoughts that are bothering them. If you are suffering from extremely angered issues, depression, anxiety, or dealing with the demise of a family member that you are finding hard to deal with, then you should consult a psychologist. They will help you to overcome obsessive thoughts and chronic illness so you can manage the situation. Consulting a psychologist doesn’t always need to be a long-term problem. It can also be a short-term issue such as finding it hard to adjust to a new place or having some sleeping difficulties.
Psychologists address their client’s problems after listening to them and providing them with a treatment that will fit the patient preferences and characteristics. At first, they will provide you with some assessments so that they can understand the problem. Though psychotherapy is the most common treatment some other treatments include cognitive behavioral theory, interpersonal theory, and humanistic theory.
People are different and so are their problems. They will need to undertake different treatments based on their problem. An experienced psychologist will choose the best option for you.
Most common questions that are asked by psychologists to understand your problem
- What are the problems you are facing?
- When did it start? (personal history)
- What are the changes you are facing due to this?
You can see a psychologist if you are suffering from
- Hopelessness
- Using addiction as a solution
- Obsessive thoughts
- Post-traumatic syndrome
- Unhealthy sleep cycle
- Stress
- Phobias
- Chronic illness
How are they trained?
After completing a BA or BSc degree in psychology. Their curriculum focuses on personality development, psychotherapy, neuropsychology, and stress management. After that, they need to complete a post-graduate degree in psychology, and an MA or MSc in psychology or counseling.
In our society, it is still taboo to acknowledge and seek help if you are having emotional difficulties in life or suffering from mental health problems. A psychologist will help you to live a healthy life. You can find and visit many practicing psychologists in private organizations or healthcare sectors. For example, Sutra care is a very renowned healthcare sector. They provide the best psychotherapy and stroke treatment in Siliguri. You can visit this place if you are thinking to consult a psychologist.